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Raychem self-regulating heating products are the ideal solution for pipe freeze protection, roof and gutter de-icing and crankcase heating applications. These products include WinterGard, WinterGard Plus and WinterGard Wet cut-to-length heating cable systems, FrostGuard and Gardian preassembled heating cables, and FreezGard crankcase heaters.

We stock the complete line of Gardian pre-made assemblies along with WinterGuard Wet series bulk cable and accessories for "build-your-own" heat tape solutions for pipe-freeze protection, and roof, gutter, and downspout de-icing.

Raychem quality design means superior heating systems


The self-regulating design of Raychem heating cables eliminates worry about overheating or burnouts from overlapping. The conductive polymer core automatically adjusts heat output at each point along the pipe.


Unlike conventional heating tapes, Raychem heating cables feature parallel circuitry. This means you can cut it to your desired length while maintaining the power output.

Raychem self-regulated heat tape